Eastern Congo Initiative Calls For Active US Engagement to Help Bring Peace to Congo
The Eastern Congo Initiative released a White Paper on the Congo on today. The paper outlines nine objectives for critical support and empowered U.S. leadership.
The first five address the urgent need for security and stabilization in the region:
- Facilitate renewed political engagement
- Support a multi-dimensional strategy to protect civilians, by:
o Strengthening security forces
o Neutralizing and dismantling remaining foreign and Congolese armed groups
- Support GDRC reforms, including the 2011 and 2013 elections
- Support the GDRC in regulating the trade in natural resources and ensuring deployment of justice and administrative services
- Support IDP and refugee returns and encourage socioeconomic recovery
- Reappoint a US Special Advisor for the Great Lakes Region
- Encourage a regional response to the crisis
- Support and complement multilateral efforts
- Engage the US advocacy community
Resource Links:
Microsite, White Paper download: http://www.easterncongo.org/whitepaper
Ben's op-ed in Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/29/AR2010112904242.html
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